EOT 396 Habitat for Humanity Part 2
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Erie Mitchell 0:14
Your dial is currently tuned Eye on the Triangle on WKNC 88.1 FM HD-1 Raleigh. Thanks for listening.
Ellie Feaga 0:22
Good morning and welcome to Eye on the Triangle. I'm here with Madison Farlow from NCSU's Habitat for Humanity chapter. Good morning, Madison.
Madison Farlow 0:41
Morning, Ellie. How are you doing?
Ellie Feaga 0:42
I'm good, how are you? It's great to have you.
Madison Farlow 0:44
I'm doing pretty good.
Ellie Feaga 0:46
We're gonna start talking about the chapter that you are a part of with Habitat for Humanity. This is actually the second part of this series we're doing in preparation for Shack-a-Thon, which is NCSU's fundraiser for Habitat for Humanity. I'm going to ask you a few questions about both the chapter and how you got involved. So to start out with how did you get involved in the chapter here at NC State,
Madison Farlow 1:09
um, it really just started off. I'm a civil engineering students. So I've always been looking for opportunities to learn about construction and get hands on experience as a carpenter. My dad and grandfather were both carpenters. And I think as a civil engineer wanting to go into the construction industry, I would feel better about myself if I have hands on carpentry experience, rather than just going in there like some corporate white collar individual and not see where people that are working under me are coming from. What I do is I oversee the build days I help coordinate work crews, I help maintain a list of who works and who doesn't work. And I also schedule build days with Habitat. Wait,
Ellie Feaga 2:02
you had mentioned something about talking about the mission for Habitat for Humanity? Would you like to tell me a little bit about how it aligns with what you were doing for school and what you believe in? And how would you describe the mission for Habitat for Humanity? Habitat
Madison Farlow 2:18
for Humanity kind of run runs parallel with what I'm learning in my classes. I'm getting to kind of apply some of the knowledge that I'm gaining in my classes and actually build things and it's a really great experience. Well,
Ellie Feaga 2:34
that's awesome habitat is a great cause I really enjoy learning about it with Chase Inman who I met with last week and she gave us a little bit of a preview about what habitat was for and what the money raised from Shack-a-Thon goes to and now I want to ask you a little bit about Shack-a-Thon, can you please give us a bit of an overview on what the fundraiser does, how it works and what students can expect.
Madison Farlow 2:57
The goal of Shack-a-Thon is to raise money for Habitat for Humanity of Wake County. Shack-a-Thon starts on Sunday, March 26. Each shack is is assigned to a student organization that pays for the shack at the bid meeting. So all organizations receive a 12 by 12 foot chokes plot and Wolf Plaza to build their shacks whole new single dimension of the shack can exceed 12 foot. So Sunday serves as the building day. I don't believe anybody sleeps in the shack on Sunday night. But starting Monday morning at 8am shacks have to be manned by at least one person at all hours of the day, until 4pm on Friday afternoon. And from 8pm to 8am. At least two people have to man the shack and sleeping in the shack for safety reasons. And every day, from Monday to Friday, starting at 8am. And Monday through Thursday through 5pm organizations are required to be fundraising, through sales of baked goods, or games or any other type of fundraisers for Habitat wake. The organizations are find in the competitive fundraising if they don't, man, they're shacks. And I've told a couple of my friends from other schools about Shack-a-Thon. They're like, that's one of the coolest events that I've ever heard of. I've never heard of any fundraising event that that that is that creative.
Ellie Feaga 4:24
WKNC is going to be in it this year. We have a shack, which we have in the past, this will be my first time experiencing Shack-a-Thon. And I'm really excited. I actually just got sent a picture earlier where the shack was filled so tightly with people that there was no floor space. And then I want to say there was probably about 20 to 30 people stuffed into that little shack, which I'm excited to experience and I think it's gonna be really cool.
Madison Farlow 4:48
Oh, yeah, I think that especially enjoying the build days. There's Habitat for Humanity. I'm gonna really enjoy being out there and kind of helping. I'm not sure what My role is going to be at build almost Sunday where you're building the shacks but I'm really excited to get out there and have some fun with all the organizations and kind of help wherever I can just be a good a represent representative the club.
Ellie Feaga 5:18
Absolutely. Well, Madison, it was great having you thanks for filling us in and to all the listeners out there. I hope that you will donate and get involved for Shack-a-Thon coming up this week. And with that, thank you for listening. This has been Ellie with Eye on the Triangle
Erie Mitchell 5:39
This has been Eye on the Triangle. I'm Erie Mitchell, your guest host right now. Thank you so much for listening to this. You can listen to back episodes of Eye on the Triangle at wknc.org/podcasts under Eye on the Triangle or just any of the other podcasts we have on WKNC. Thank you so much.
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