EOT 388 NC State Student Involvement Fair
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The views and opinions expressed on Eye on the Triangle do not represent WKNC 88.1 or NC State student media
your dial is currently turned Eye on the Triangle on WKNC 88.1 FM HD one Raleigh, thank you for listening
Ellie Feaga 0:38
Good morning triangle listeners and welcome back students for the semester. I'm Ellie Feaga with Eye on the Triangle, and I am so glad to welcome you back. And we are so excited to be back with your Monday morning news. I'm curious to know if anyone made any resolutions. And if they have still kept them up this far. We're nearing the end of January, surprisingly. And one thing that is important to me is to try new things. And today we're going to talk about opportunities for NC State students to try new things with the Student Involvement Fair. So we're going to take a little lap around and learn what people are doing in different organizations. And right here at WKNC. There's a lot of good stuff coming for you guys today. All right, before we take a trip out to the other organizations, we're gonna stop here at WKNC. And talk about how you can get involved here at our own organization. Who am I here with
Erie Mitchell 1:27
Erie Mitchell, the General Manager WKNC.
Ellie Feaga 1:30
Nice to have you Erie, obviously, a significant part of our organization, and very familiar with the things that we have going on here. So how can students get involved with WKNC?
Erie Mitchell 1:41
We take applications for content at anytime on our website, there's a whole get involved section where you can see there are trainings for content and just kind of everything that we're doing. We're always talking about seven social media. And if you're able to get DJ application, and last second do that otherwise, again, the content will be great. And DJ stuff will be at the beginning of next semester, including the summer, summer stuff.
Ellie Feaga 2:00
What are some of the opportunities outside of DJing that you can do here?
Erie Mitchell 2:04
Yeah, we got all kinds of content, we got blogs, we have podcasts and videos and interviews. And again, you can get involved those in anytime just literally email us. My email is WKNC_manager@ncsu.edu. And I'm always looking for more content. I think of myself more as a WKNC member than as an NC State Member at this point. The community is just so special. We do all kinds of things just in the studio, those late nights. The cool events we do, which, if you're joined, you'll find out about those. But yeah, it's been been wonderful. And I'm it's my last semester here and I'm definitely gonna miss it.
Ellie Feaga 2:33
Awesome. Well, Erie and I are going to venture out and see some of the other organizations. All right on our first stop out. We're hanging out with our neighbors at the technician who am I here with?
Jameson 2:43
My name is Jameson Wolf.
Ellie Feaga 2:45
And what do you do at the technician?
Jameson 2:47
I'm one of two co editors in chief,
Ellie Feaga 2:49
how would you advise for new students to get involved?
Jameson 2:53
Yeah, so one of the best ways to get involved is to just shoot us an email at technician dash editor@ncsu.edu. We can get you in touch with the right people depending on what you're interested in. Whether you're interested in writing, photography, videography, design, copy editing, we can get you in touch with the right people. You're also always more than welcome to stop by our office on the third floor of Witherspoon, we're in Weatherspoon 323. All of our staff members start as correspondents. And so whether you're writing correspondent, a video correspondent, a design correspondent, that's really your training period, you get to go out on assignments, you get to do a lot of shadowing sessions with more experienced writers, photographers, videographers. And then once you complete your correspondence requirements, you can be a paid staff member. And
Ellie Feaga 3:41
one more question. How has been part of this influenced your time at NC State?
Jameson 3:47
Wow, it has hugely influenced my time at NC State. I've completely changed directions with kind of what I want my career to be based on my work here with technician. It's given me a really fantastic community of people to spend a lot of time with each and every week. And it's really allowed me to understand and know what's going on on campus much better
Ellie Feaga 4:08
Absolutely. I think that that's one of the greatest benefits of being in student media. You're involved in something and then you see what everybody else is involved in, you would never would have known otherwise. Exactly. Exactly. Well, it was great to talk to you, Jamison. Thank you for joining us.
Jameson 4:21
Yeah, likewise. Absolutely.
Ellie Feaga 4:22
What is your name?
Achille 4:23
Hi. I'm Achille. I'm a master's student getting my degree in electrical engineering,
Ellie Feaga 4:28
and what organization are you representing?
Achille 4:30
So I'm representing the student amateur radio society. I'm the Vice President of the Student amateur radio society.
Ellie Feaga 4:36
Very cool. And how can people get involved?
Achille 4:38
We have? We have a website we have an Instagram page. And we also call a nativity week and stuff. We have plans for more involvement activities. And you could we also email people about stuff. It's W four ATC dash S T ARS at RIT ncsu.edu usually ham radios the society that's associated with, you know, slightly older people, you know, since they have a lot more free time and resources, but there's a younger generation of ham radio enthusiasts coming up, and they'll get they'll get, they'll get a chance to be a part of this younger community that looks to do you know, more Gen Zed stuff with ham radios and stuff.
Ellie Feaga 5:18
Okay, very cool. It was great to meet you. It was great. And thank thank you for being on.
Achille 5:23
Thank you for having me.
Ellie Feaga 5:24
Who am I here with?
Reagan Bustabad 5:25
You're here with Reagan Bustabad. I am the president of the studio 804 ballet company. So there's two different ways to get involved. We have a more advanced company that students can audition for and then become involved with. We have classes three times a week, and then we have a big showcase at the end of each semester. And then we also have a more beginner level opportunity in the form of community classes that are once a month. And anyone can join those and they're just super fun way to get involved in the arts and dance. We meet on Sundays, from 11 to one and then Tuesdays and Thursdays from eight to 930. In the dance studios in Carmichael gym.
Ellie Feaga 6:03
Okay, thank you so much. It was great to meet you.
Reagan Bustabad 6:05
Thank you so much.
Ellie Feaga 6:07
Who am I here with
Miroslava Kalon 6:09
Miroslava Kalon
Will Kalin 6:10
and will Kalin and what
Ellie Feaga 6:11
do you represent? Puck the
Miroslava Kalon 6:13
bullseye ambassadors is an organization that it's promoting civic engagement on campus and we promote also we're looking forward to promote voting early here on campus. Yeah,
Will Kalin 6:26
we're a nonpartisan group. We're just here trying to help make it easier for people to vote and be an informed voter.
Ellie Feaga 6:32
How can students get involved? Yeah, so
Will Kalin 6:35
we have a number of presentations that we can give out to classes and student organizations. You can just come talk to us or if you really want to get involved, you couldn't apply to become an ambassador.
Miroslava Kalon 6:44
Also, we are developing a few early voting capsules all across campus and we are developing voting toolkits all across campus as well. So it's going to be during February.
Jake Andrew Chuck 6:55
My name is Jake Andrew Chuck. I am the UAB spirit chair. And
Christopher Myers 7:01
my name is Christopher Myers. I'm the UAB entertainment chair. So my freshman year I saw in one of the newsletters, they talked about UAB and how like, they put on programming throughout the year for the student body. And it sounded interesting. And I joined my freshman year. And now in my junior year, I've moved up to a chair position. So you know, it's really good org. has a lot of like opportunities to take on leadership positions if you want.
Jake Andrew Chuck 7:24
Yeah, same deal. I was in my freshman year residence hall like being like, how do I get involved? And I got an email about UAB. So I just clicked a link and filled out an application. Yeah, and the rest is history. And I've gotten all kinds of awesome leadership experience out of it. I've gotten to go to like conferences on conferences meet awesome and people within the university. So it's been really great. Like ask questions, ask your RA ask your friends. Ask your professors go into the student involvement suite. It's usually open to students. Ask the interns they always have really fantastic questions or, like answers to questions come to the UAB suite. We're on the fourth floor as well. We're happy to like point y'all to some orgs that we like. Our doors are always open for conversation or question about our events. And yeah, just like make sure ask questions, use the resources you have around you.
Ellie Feaga 8:13
Who am I here with?
Brooke Ashby 8:15
My name is Brooke Ashby. I'm a coordinator for student organizations and the student leadership and engagement office.
Jacob Bailey 8:20
My name is Jacob Bailey. I'm one of the student leadership advocates for the semester.
Ellie Feaga 8:26
And Brooke you coordinated the student leadership fair Involvement Fair? Yes, I
Brooke Ashby 8:30
did. So I was able to put on the whole event. And I'm so excited to have so many orgs here represented as well. Awesome.
Ellie Feaga 8:35
How did you both get involved? And what would you say to a student who was interested in getting involved?
Jacob Bailey 8:40
I got pretty lucky. Last year, I did the Leadership Development Program. And that helped me get the job I'm currently working.
Brooke Ashby 8:48
Yeah, so luckily, this is something I get to do. So I help support all of our student orgs on campus. And so for me, this is a way to bring everyone together. For folks to naturally meet have some collaborations and for students to find their sense of belonging hopefully on campus, so find orgs are interested in help find their community here.
Vanessa Dixon 9:06
Hi, my name is Vanessa Dixon.
Ellie Feaga 9:08
And what organization are you a part of
Vanessa Dixon 9:10
Student Gov. I got involved actually through this spring involvement event. I was a spring connect student last semester or last year. And I came and I saw all the stuff and I got involved. I had to go through the whole election process and it was super cool, super interesting. And I won my chass seat fro I'm now a student senator, if you're interested, just reach out to any of your senators or go on the nc state website and search for student gov and we have a ton of positions open. So yeah, who am I here with
Justin Garrett 9:44
Justin Garrett
Farah 9:45
Farah. I'm the event coordinator for BSB.
Justin Garrett 9:48
I'm also an event coordinator for BSB. So as BSB event coordinators, we create events for students on campus just to unify everybody and create an inclusive environment. So anybody can come out to come to our events and just have fun.
Farah 10:04
We have a general body, sign up on our Instagram and just keep in touch on our social medias because that's where we post most of our information. And yeah,
Ellie Feaga 10:13
who am I here with?
Natori Atkinson 10:14
Hi, you're here with Natori Atkinson,
Ellie Feaga 10:16
and what organization are you a part of.
Natori Atkinson 10:18
So I'm an outreach coordinator for feed the pack and that is a food pantry on campus open to all students, faculty, and staff. We have perishables health and hygiene, non perishables, more than just cans. So who does feed the pack benefit feed the pack benefits the entire campus of NC State. So like I said, the student, faculty, and staff, anyone experiencing food insecurity, health and hygiene, security, anything like that we have things to support you. And we also have other resources as well, if we can't support you in that way. If you're listening and you're interested, please visit Feed the pack. Google Feed the pack. We should be literally the first one that comes up. And then you can either sign up to volunteer with us or sign up to you know, get a tour or anything like that come by Yeah. Okay. Thanks
Ellie Feaga 11:02
so much. Yeah,
Natori Atkinson 11:03
thank you for having me.
Sydney 11:04
My name is Sydney.
Erin 11:04
My name is Erin.
Sydney 11:05
We're here at the National Parks club,
Erin 11:08
on volunteering, gaining public awareness for public and national parks and just having a good time. Overall, this glove is a great opportunity for you to get out and get to see a lot of our national parks and even state parks. Once a month we'll go on hikes once a month, we'll also do volunteer work. So stuff like streamside, cleanups and things along those lines. And once a semester, we'll get out and we'll go and we'll visit a national park. And it's a lot of fun, it's a great opportunity for you to meet plenty of people make great friends, and just get out and get to appreciate and see what we have to offer.
Sydney 11:39
And follow us on Instagram to get all of our updates at National Parks club. We have meetings twice a month where they'll learn about all our upcoming events, and there's no attendance requirements or fees. So they're free to join as many or as little events as they want. My
Justice Skinner 11:53
name is Justice Skinner and I am President of the Archery Club. So we have meetings usually every every week, twice a week, where we just meet up at some of the courts and Carmichael and get together and just have fun shooting learn some of the basic rules and get to practice as well. Any skill level as welcome beginner to experience. So I would go to our Instagram where in our bio, we have the link to the discord. So you can join that. And that's where we put all our updates as well as come to events like this where you can sign up for our email list and receive those updates as well.
Jacob Bailey 12:29
My name is Joe sway booth says I am the Vice President for NCSU club beach volleyball. I will just love volleyball since I got here since I was a freshman and I looked into beach and I absolutely loved it. So I started playing definitely go to our Instagram, which is NCSU Beach, club volleyball, and love every single of my teammates. We all have each other's backs, and it's just a wonderful community to be in.
Ben Usher 12:55
I'm Ben Usher, I'm with the sailing club at NC State. No sailing experience is needed. Or we're looking for anyone that's at all interested, we teach you how to sail we have a good time. It's a lot of fun.
Shire 13:08
My name is Shire,
Ellie Feaga 13:09
and what club are you apart of?
Shire 13:11
We're part of the discomfort club?
Ellie Feaga 13:13
What's the Discomfort club
Shire 13:14
Discomfort club is all about providing new experiences for students to step outside of their comfort zone for personal growth and self improvement pretty much earlier
Ellie Feaga 13:21
in this interview, I talked about how my New Year's resolution is to do things that I've never done before and was scared to do that sounds like mission. What kind of things do you guys do? So
Shire 13:32
we've done like waterpolo fencing. We've done a lot of workshops. So we've done like goal setting workshops like personal values workshops, as well. So I started this last year and so it just kind of just been building it up, visit our website, the discomfort club.com or follow us on Instagram at NCSU underscore discomfort.
Kyla 13:51
Hi I'm Kyla, I'm the president of EWB Engineers Without Borders.
Cary 13:55
And I'm Carry I'm project lead for the Guatemala water system. So we have a couple of different projects focused in sustainable development. One of them is local in Raleigh. We're working with interfaith farm to build a hydroponic system at their greenhouses. And then we have three international projects two in Sierra Leone on one in Guatemala working on renewable energy and water for any access. Very cool. What
Ellie Feaga 14:18
Very cool. What do you both you guys study?
Kyla 14:21
I studied chemical engineering.
Cary 14:23
And I studied Mechanical. Okay. There's a lot of really cool people you can meet through this organization. And it's a great way to get some service work and get to do things outside of the classroom.
Lauren 14:33
I'm Lauren,
Grace 14:34
I'm Grace and we are the Sports Science Club at NC State.
Ellie Feaga 14:37
What does a sports science club do?
Lauren 14:39
We hear from different professionals in sports science like athletic trainers, physical therapists, do
Ellie Feaga 14:45
both of you have a major within the sports science industry?
Grace 14:49
Both of our minors are sports science.
Ellie Feaga 14:51
And what would a student do if they were interested in getting involved? They can follow us
Lauren 14:55
at Sports Science Club NCSU on Instagram. They
Grace 14:58
can also find us on the Get Involved have a website for NC State clubs.
Casey Denmark 15:01
Hi, I'm Casey Denmark. I'm the FFA alumni supporter club Sentinel.
Sierra Wagner 15:07
My name is Sierra Wagner, I am the reporter for the FFA alumni and supporters. To
Casey Denmark 15:11
me the FFA is a door opener. It just provides you so many opportunities you wouldn't have known about beforehand. Before I was an FFA I would have never known that I'd be going into the major that I am in right now, which is agriculture education. But through FFA, I was able to find my passions and grow as a leader. And in my career. That's
Ellie Feaga 15:29
awesome. What would you say to a student who's interested? How would they get involved?
Sierra Wagner 15:33
So a good way to get involved would be to like talk to any of the officers, anybody that could be like in our club or just anybody within the cows department or just interested in agriculture whatsoever.
Ellie Feaga 15:45
Hey, very cool. It was nice to meet you both. Thank you. Thank you. And that is going to mark the end of our round trip to the Student Involvement Fair. We had a great time today and I hope that you learned a lot and students I hope that you found something new to get involved with. Once again, I am Ellie Feaga with Eye on the Triangle, you are listening to 88.1 WKNC HD one Raleigh.
Shanteya Hudson 16:28
tech giant Microsoft has responded to concerns about the environmental impact of discontinuing support for Windows 10. By offering extended security updates. The move is expected to help states like North Carolina avoid a massive increase in electronic waste as people ditch their old PCs for newer models. The decision comes in response to more than 20,000 petition signatures collected by the Public Interest Research Group. Lukas Gutterman with perg says when support for Windows 10 is set to end in 2025. Up to 400 million devices could face obsolescence. And
Lukas Gutterman 17:01
that means that people either need to dispose of those PCs and replace them and buy a new one, or they'll be left unsecure against potential attacks from folks that are exploiting that older operating
Shanteya Hudson 17:12
system. betterman says the extended security update program set to begin in 2025 will come with additional costs for individual schools and businesses. It's estimated about 50,000 tons of computer equipment is already discarded in North Carolina each year along with more than 30,000 tons of television sets. Gutterman points out this move by Microsoft represents a step in the right direction to reduce the environmental impact of outdated technology. However, he believes further measures should be taken to address the issue such as automatically extending support,
Lukas Gutterman 17:44
not just Microsoft. It's not just Google, it's not just Apple, the entire industry really needs to have things that are designed to last and it does seem like they are listening to folks that band together and ask them to do that. According
Unknown Speaker 17:58
to perg. The manufacturing of these devices has already resulted in about 46 million tons of climate pollution, or the equivalent of adding 9 million cars on the road for year for North Carolina new service I'm Shanteya Fenner trust indicators at public news service.org.
Shanteya Hudson 18:29
Diet and exercise ads maybe all your social media feed is filled with in January however, resolutions that maintain balance are best for the heart. And 2020 About 7% of North Carolina adults reported they'd had a heart attack. Dieticians and the American Heart Association are reminding people to mine their heart health and overcome excuses in their post holiday dieting. Registered Dietician Ariel Johnston says so called yo yo dieting or crash diets, which are often popular after the holidays can be detrimental to heart health.
Ariel Johnston 18:59
A lot of the rhetoric that we hear at this time of year as far as like this is how many pounds people gained during the holidays. And then you're gonna start seeing all the advertising for the new diet coming up. Yes, people might lose weight and maybe improve lipid profiles a little bit but really they aren't sustainable
Shanteya Hudson 19:16
winter weather can be another trigger for increased heart attack risk with cold temperatures restricting blood flow through already constricted blood vessels. But the research says even in a mild climate about 1/3 more heart attack deaths occur in December in January. Then in June through September, Johnston says it's fine to enjoy your favorite foods too, but add something to help keep your food intake balanced and think of creative ways to satisfy your palate. Maybe
Ariel Johnston 19:41
you have your favorite recipes that was handed down from grandma you want to make that recipe and maybe it's not the most quote unquote heart healthy. You can still have that but let's add some greens or a salad or your appetizers that include some fruits and veggies. You don't want to deprive yourself of those favorite things.
Unknown Speaker 19:58
The Heart Association also has Has recipes online that can help with healthier substitutions or additions to daily meals. Also on the AHA North Carolina website, you can sign up for 100 ways and 100 days a series of daily emails to kickstart healthier habits for the new year for North Carolina new service I'm Shanteya Hudson Fenner trust indicators at public new service.org.
Nick Pinto 20:41
Thank you for listening to this episode of Eye on the Triangle, the public affairs program of WKNC 88.1 FM HD-1 Raleigh. To listen to past episodes of Eye on the Triangle or replay this one, please visit wknc.org forward slash podcasts. The music for this episode is titled Noah Stark by Krakatoa. And it was made available through a Creative Commons license. You can check wknc.org forward slash schedule to catch the next episode of Eye on the Triangle live. Until then, this has been Nick Pinto with WKNC 88.1.
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